Perception II: Organizing the world into meaningful perceptual experiences
1. The perception of depth: How do we experience three-dimensional space if the proxilmal stimulus (retinal image) is always two-dimensional? Molyneux’s answer.
2. Depth cues and stereopsis
a. Monocular cues:
- Occlusion
- Interposition
- Relative size
- Linear perspective – 4 elements: parallel lines diverging/converging; width of object as it protrudes in space; density of elements (texture gradient); compression - the ratio of the height to width of object as it protrudes in space
b. Oculmotor cues:
- Accomodation of the lens of the eye
- Far = Thin lens
- Near = Fat lens
- Convergence of the eyes
c. Binocular cues – RETINAL DISPARITY
d. The perception of depth through motion – MOTION PARALAX
3. Lightness, size, and shape CONSTANCY.
4. Visual illusions. Examples:
a. The moon illusion
b. The Muller-Lyer illusion
c. The Ponzo illusion
d. The Ames room illusion
5. Top-down processes in perception – the role of prior experience and expectations