Biological Bases of Social Behavior
1. Evolutionary psychology
2. Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection:
a. variation
b. inheritance
c. selection
3. Built-in social behaviorsa. Lorenz and the imprinting ducks
b. Tinbergen and the four “whys” of ethology
c. Fixed action patterns
4. Aggression – evolutionary hypotheses:a. Using the resources of others
b. Defense against attack
c. Inflicting costs to same-sex members of the species who compete for the same limited resources
d. Negotiate status and power hierarchies
e. Deter rivals from future aggression
5. The biological bases of love:a. Types of mating systems:
- POLYGYNY – one male and several females
- MONOGAMY – permanent tie between one male and one female
- POLYANDRY – one female and several males
b. Differential parental investment of men and women
c. Choice of partners