Sensation II: Gathering and Organizing Information

1. Properties of the physical stimulus for vision, that is light:

        a.  Intensity

        b.  Wavelength

        c.  Visible spectrum

2. How does the human visual system GATHER information?

a. Evolution of the eye:

b. The human eye -- the retina; the fovea; the lens; the iris.

c. The visual receptor cells – rods and cones.

d. The DUPLEX THEORY OF VISION: We have two kinds of cells that are specialized for doing different things.

e. Visual acuity and visual sensitivity.

3. The visual pathway

a. Receptor cells

b. Ganglion cells – brightness contrast, lateral inhibition, and the center-surround organization of cells.

c. Cells in the thalamus – detect lines of different orientation.

d. Cells in the occipital cortex – detect more complex features like angles.

e. Higher levels

4. Color vision

a. Hue, brightness, and saturation

b. Color mixtures – subtractive versus additive

c. Complementary hues – red/green; blue/yellow

5.  The Opponent Process Theory – three different types of cones.