Psychology 114C: General Psychology
Spring 2000, TTH 8:30-9:45
Instructor | Alexander Genov |
Office hours | Monday 11:50 12:50 |
Office | Fenton 508 |
Phone | (617) 573 8782 | |
Teaching assistant | ----------------------- |
Office hours | ----------------------- |
Office | ----------------------- |
Phone | ----------------------- |
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Text (required):
(required): |
Gleitman, Psychology (4th
Jonides & Rosin, Study Guide: Psychology. |
Some ground rules | There are two lecture sessions a week. Class material will follow
the text loosely, but will not duplicate it. Thats why it is important
to pay attention and TAKE NOTES! I will lecture, but will often pause to ask you questions. Even if I don't stop, please feel free to interrupt me whenever you don't understand something I have said or even better if you have had a good idea about the topic we are discussing. |
Grading | Final grades will be based on a combination of weekly quizzes, a midterm and, and a final exam. |
Weekly Quizzes |
There will be 11 in-class quizzes throughout the semester, each worth 15 points. |
Mid-term |
There will be one in-class mid-term consisting of multiple-choice and short answer items. |
Final |
The final exam will be a cumulative multiple-choice and short answer test to be |
. |
The grading scale for each test and the final grading scale are as follows: |
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NOTE: final grades will take into account more that the sum of points! |
A |
A- |
B+ |
B |
B- |
C+ |
C |
D |
F |
All papers must be TYPES and DOUBLE-SPACED. Points will be deducted for unclear writing (e.g. spelling, grammar mistakes, etc.). Other extra credit options can be discussed with me.
Academic misconduct: All instances of academic dishonesty
(as defined in the student handbook, including cheating on exams and plagiarism)
will result in failure of the course. Cheating on exams includes
looking at someone else's test or giving information during the test, either
directly or by positioning yourself or your test so as to get or give information.
Plagiarism is defined as taking someone else's ideas as passing them off
as your own. In ANY papers you write, if you use someone's idea,
give that person credit for having come up with the idea first. If
two student papers are nearly identical, both students will receive Fs
on the papers.